Chat with AI models
Like ChatGPT, but better...

Chat with an instruct model that remembers context
Rewrite, edit or generate emails, contracts and copy
Reformat text or image content to any other format
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Sonnet FREE

Claude 3 Opus roundly beats Open AI's paid model, ChatGPT 4, while Claude 3 Sonnet beats their free ChatGPT 3.5 and gifts you free daily credits.

Experiment with various templates and styles to match your design preferences.

Customize colors, shapes, and text to personalize your visuals.

Download your designs in high-resolution formats for professional use.

Updated 2024-03-28


Mixtral 8x7b instruct is the top free model on HuggingFace Chat. Mistral AI's Mixture of Experts (MoE) architecture put them on par with ChatGPT 3.5.

Generate artwork, illustrations, and graphics effortlessly with Mixtral's intuitive interface.

Explore various styles and themes to find the perfect fit for your project.

Save time with automated design features for efficient workflow.

Updated 2024-03-28

Generate images
Create stunning visuals in seconds

An infinity of royalty-free logos, photos and artwork
Liven up your socials, presentations and websites
Include text inside photographs and illustrations
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FREE can generate photos or illustrations with text and custom fonts inside the image. Must sign in with Google.

Explore various templates and styles to suit your design needs.

Customize colors, shapes, and text to make your visuals unique.

Download your creations in high-resolution formats for professional use.

Updated 2024-03-28


Paid access only. MidJourney is top of the heap for image generation. Options to upscale, animate, outpaint, etc.

Generate artwork, illustrations, and graphics with ease using MidJourney's intuitive interface.

Experiment with different styles and themes to find the perfect look for your project.

Save time and effort with automated design features.

Updated 2024-03-28

Text to speech (TTS)
< 1 minute per 4000 words

Listen to any article, essay or web page
Record a realistic voice-over or audiobook
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Type `repeat verbatim: ` then paste up to 4000 characters to hear read in a hyper-realistic, expressive voice.  More tips...

Does not require an account. Total anonymity is possible by always choosing not to create one.

Handle longer content by first pasting into any text app which displays how many characters you have highlighted (typically in the bottom toolbar) to effortlessly select, cut and paste fewer than 4000 characters each time.

Record your output device with Audacity or similar to make hyper-realistic audio versions of essays or articles, or an audiobook from chapters.

Remember to prefix with 'repeat verbatim: ' so that Pi does not summarize, rephrase or add commentary. Updated 2024-03-28


Why pay when you can get the milk for free? Both have world-class voices, but this can also clone voices and generate sound effects.

Make some music
Hear your own lyrics with backtrack

Write lyrics and hear AI sing and play them back
Record realistic instrumentals or songs with words
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v3 PAID is presently #1 by far. Input a style prompt and lyrics to have them sung back to you over an AI-generated tune.

Upgrade for best version (v3) though v2 is definitely competent. Updated 2024-03-28


Separate your assisted songs into drums, vocals, guitars and more for fine-grained editing and production.

Talk to your data
Natural language to structured queries

Train on your existing database structure
Command your data with natural language
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Alpha FREE

Speak to Admin knows your internal database. Convert natural speech into SQL queries for manual review and single-click execution.

Updated 6 months ago